

cdist-type__jitsi_meet - Setup the server-side of Jitsi-Meet.


This (singleton) type installs and configures jitsi-meet automatically.

It does so by following loosely the official quick-install instructions and eXO’s notes for installing and managing Jitsi Meet instances.

This type also sets up nginx in a way that is compatible with __letsencrypt_cert and assumes that it will only serve Jitsi instances.

You will also need the __jitsi_meet_domain type in order to finish setting up the web frontend (including TLS certificates) and its settings.

You may want to use the files/ufw example manifest for a __ufw-based firewall compatible with this type that allows all ports needed by Jitsi-Meet. Note however that this will not deal with rules for SSH or for TCP port 9888, which exposes the prometheus exporter if not disabled. Remember to apply your own rules here, particularly regarding SSH.

This type only works on De{bi,vu}an systems.

It is very important for this type to stay up to date with the software, as otherwise new deployments or maintenance of existing instances might be negatively affected. If you can, please contribute updates to __jitsi_meet and __jitsi_meet_domain promptly and regularly. Alternatively, you can help finance that work; get in touch with the type authors for that (see below).

This type takes care of adapting the maximum memory used by jicofo and videobridge in function of the hosts installed memory.

NOTE: This type currently does not deal with setting up coturn.

For that, you might want to check __coturn in In that case, this type should run after __coturn.



Only has an effect if the prometheus exporter is enabled and if it is not empty (default). If at least this many conferences are active on the server, the type will bail out before making any changes. This is useful if you want to avoid service disruptions due to e.g. an SLA.


The shared secret for the TURN server.


The hostname of the TURN server. This will assume that it is listening with TLS on port 443.



This type enables a prometheus exporter for jitsi by default, if you would rather not have that, pass this parameter. The explorer is based on:


If this flag is present, all domains that use this Jitsi instance will require that an authenticated user starts a meeting. For information on how this is achieved, see . You will need to create the users with __jitsi_meet_user(7).


# Setup the firewall for Jitsi-Meet
. "${__global}/type/__jitsi_meet/files/ufw"
export require="__ufw"
# Setup firewall SSH rules as necessary
__ufw_rule ssh --rule 'allow 22/tcp from'
# Setup Jitsi on this host
__jitsi_meet \
  --turn-server "" \
  --turn-secret "WeNeedGoodSecurity"


  • __jitsi_meet_domain(7)

  • __jitsi_meet_user(7)


Evilham <>


Copyright (C) 2022 Evilham.